The fear of death and dying by Charlene Lacandazo

It's probably an only experience the greatest equalizer in the world is. It binds people together, to understand, and practice is the release process, and that's death.

We all know that people die only once. However, it is inevitable, and there is no escape, to prevent this ultimate situation of life. In fact, most people are afraid of death and the actual act of dying. Thanatophobia or fear of death is not unusual for people. We all know that death can be frightening and unpredictable So it is more likely, feelings of fear, worry and cause fear. In some ways, you can therefore that this Thanatophobia is not really a real phobia, argue that as it is a totally rational response to a very real threat.

Although many human activities are to be linked to death, including a man s on religious beliefs, but the truth no one is white, what really happened when we die. After a person s death, the time his or her joy comes to know God personally and embrace the person en dear deceased before him, or perhaps, that s the time of God's punishment to us, and that we'll miss our family and friends in the world. No one knows, that detailed the thing that happened to us after our death!

The main reasons, why fear and worry of death is as a rule, people experience are all this kind of thoughts. It is true that not everyone however is death with fear, but preparation and thus acceptance need nor death. Death comes at a certain point of human life, but there are possible solutions, to fully understand what is life at all.
Mental health professionals are most likely the full medical care for the patient in any case you can give. One thing is sure, deep about life and death to understand one of the effective ways is to increase your religious faith. It may be that no religions you die save, but it helps you to accept and be ready to meet death. So there is somehow a person comfort from fear the dying and death.

Talk with someone about the death is helpful in some way. To know the fear and the feeling of other people about the death is healthy for people to understand and realize that death is of course for everyone. However, accept that the reality about death may not simply for people, and whether the treatment for a phobia is very personal decision, but to overcome your anxiety would likely be a heavy burden lifted off your shoulders.

In life, we should know that life is precious and we breathe yet simple, we live and we die. Death is the end of life, and we need to appreciate therefore our lives every moment. We owe the creator of our lives and at some point in life we need it to him to return. So, enjoy life, know to appreciate it!

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